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 TMNT FanFic: some graphic content

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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Empty
PostSubject: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 11:01 am

Chapter One

As far as any New Yorker could tell, it was a beautiful day. The sun shone above their heads without any clouds blocking its brilliant rays. Time was plentiful for the police. But, most of all, the temperature was impeccable.

Unfortunately, a citizen who lived below ground couldn't agree. His name was Donatello. Donatello was far from normal. He doesn't have a last name, but even more, he wasn't human. He was what you call a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

Donatello's brother, Raphael, was training with him. From a distance, their sensei Splinter was watching. Donatello, at that point, was playing defense.

"Raphael, move faster!" Splinter informed Raph. Raphael grunted in acknowledgement, and then swung his fist at Don't head. His knuckles connected with nothing. Frustrated, Raph tried again, but Don danced out of his way.

"Concentrate, Raphael," Splinter shouted.

With mounting annoyance, Raphael howled and kick out at his brother with all his might. He only succeeded at falling down when Donatello pushed off his back. While on the ground, Raph saw a tool, instict told him which could be used to his advantage. Forgetting to think, he picked up a metal bar and swung it at his brother's head. Don saw it coming, gaped at it, and tried to block the heavy object with his forearms. His reaction was a fraction too slow.

The mass and momentum of the bar carried it into Don't wrist and into the side of his head. Don's head was forced backward, taking his body with it. Donatello fell in a heap o the floor.

Splinter moved to help his fallen son. Raphael dropped the bar and grabbed his sai. His head filled only with rage, he drove the dull dagger into Splinter's arm and into the stone wall.

Only then did Raphael notice what he did. His eyes went wide and his mouth agape. From it a moan escaped. Sure, Raphael was known to be hot-tempered and act on impulse, think later, but he now knew that this was his worst mistake.

The rat squeezed his eyes shut, letting tears fall down his cheeks. Teeth gritted together, Splinter suppressed his cries of pain. When he opened his blurry eyes, Raphael had vanished.

Raphael's sai still pinned Splinter to the wall. Wishing to aid his son, Splinter grasped the sai's handle and yanked it free. The movement cause acute pain, and blood tumbled from the hole onto the floor. Splinter let out a short howl and stumbled over to Donatello.

As soon as the steel impacted into Don's head, he was out. Lucky for him, his neck had snapped backwards, rejecting the bar to imbed itself into his brain. But, the wound gushed blood. Splinter hardly had a cllue how to stop so much from leaving the turtle's body.

Donatello's wrist wasn't in the best shape, either. The wrist wasn't exactly what had snapped, but the two bones connecting the hand to the rest of the arm. The call was so close, though, it was hard to tell. Fortunately, Donatello wasn't externally bleeding from there. But already it was swelling.

Just as Splinter pressed a clean, white pillow against Donatello's head wound, Leonardo and Michelangelo arrived from up top. Both looked exhausted with heavy eyelids, until they saw the aftermath before them.

Leonardo instantly forgot his report about the strange Foot and Purple Dragon patterns and rushed to help his master and brother.

"Master Splinter, what happened?" he cried.

Splinter only shook his head and pointed to the crism-bladed sai. Instantly, Leonardo stiffened and grew angry. His hands were clenched into fists and sparks flew from his eyes. Before he could jump to his feet, Splinter placed his hand onto his shoulder. He passed a meaningful look to his eldest, saying that Raphael, too, was his brother, and that, like Donatello, he deserved sympathy, not revenge. Leonardo, being emotionally closest to his master, relaxed a little and nodded. Then, without a glance backwards, he left to hunt down Raphael.

In the meantime, Michelangelo, confused, looked back and forth between Splinter and Leo and Don. It appeared to him that Donatello didn't look to comfortable.

"Uh, Master Splinter? Shouldn't we move Donnie to a couch or bed or something? I mean, he looks awfully uncomfie on the floor there."

"That may be a good idea, Michelangelo. Why don't you help me move him. And be careful."

Michelangelo's posture waned for a second. For him, it was hard to keep his mouth shut. Sometimes, he payed. Before Splinter noticed, he straightened his shoulders and helped lug his brother over onto the couch.

Splinter removed Donatello's blood-soaked mask from his head, set aside his bo and cut the fabric from around his swollen wrist. Fetching a rag and a bucket of hot water, he left Mike alone with his battered son. Michelangelo didn't like the idea of staying alone with Don. Mike was a bit squeamish.

Soon, Splinter returned and set to work on cleaning up the bloody mess. Already he had bandaged himself.

Last edited by Kifu on Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2008 9:15 am

Chapter Two

Raphael ran through the sewers, putting as much distance between him and his beloved father. His temper would be the destruction to himself, he thought grimly. Not only that, but to Splinter and his brothers, too.

Struggling to control his emotions, Raphael climbed a ladder to the topside. As soon as he moved the manhole cover to the side, and lifted his body from the sewers, he froze. Before him, a gang of Foot Soldiers waited. Raphael swiftly tried to retreat, but the men had a hold of him first. He struggled to free himself from their grasp, but they had strength in numbers.

Leonardo agrily swept the sewers for his missing brother. Several times he thought he heard Raphael, but it always turned out to be something else. Every now and again he saw foot tracks in the grime, so he knew he was on the right trail.

About twenty minutes into his search, Leonardo no longer saw disturbed slime. He puzzled over it for a second, then doubled back. He retreated to the last place he saw the mutant footprints, but he confused hard evidence with his own prints. Leo searched for a way Raph could have gone.

Withing seconds, Leonardo found Raphael's escape. He quickly climbed the ladder through the open hole. Once his feet touch solid cement, he looked around.

Leonardo had no idea what Raph was thinking, but it seemed weird to him that he left a manhole uncovered. Confused, he slid the grid back over the abyss. Leo didn't care of Raph knew he was following him. Besides, Raphael had done a terrible deed.

"Raphael?" Leonardo called out calmly. Leo listened, but heard no response. Why would Raph give his position away so easily, anyway? Leo couldn't come up with an answer.

Hoping he could get a better veiew, Leonardo climbed a fire escape to the rooftops. After a quick scan there wasn't any sign that Raph had even been up here.

Getting ever more frustrated, Leo scanned the buildings and alleyways on the block. Not once did he find a clue to what happened.

Just before he was going to head back to the lair, he decided to search the first alley again. He discovered nothing new.

Sighing, Leonardo lifted the manhole cover and began home.

While taking their prisoner home, the Foot celebrated their amazing victory. Earlier the hadn't any intentions to capture any of the meddlesome terrapins, but when one appeared, they quickly revised their plans. Indeed, the Shredder would be pleased.

As soon as Raphael was grabbed from the streets, he was bound up. He hadn't a clue how the Foot had of known he'd end up there, but he didn't like it. Then again, when did he never dislike something?

No matter how much he hated it, the Foot had easily over-powered him and left him unable to fight. Of course, if he had been thinking, this might have never happened. Today just wasn't Raph's day.

Once Leonardo arrived back at the lair, Splinter look up from his meditation near Donnie. When he saw Leonardo was alone, he sighed and rose to his feet.

"Leonardo, my son, you must be patient and give him time. Raphael just needs time to cool off," Splinter soothed.

But Leo could not be calmed. "He hurt you, Master Splinter!" he shouted. "He... he.... Look at what he did!" Leonardo spread his arms wide and glanced painfully to Donatello.

"Yes, I know. But all must be forgiven."

Leo turned away, downtrodden. "I don't think I can," he whispered. There he left Splinter, alone with his own worries.

Michelangelo, who had been watching from his doorway, ducked as Leo passed. He stared after him, for a while, then pushed aside a pile of comics on his bed. Afraid of what was becoming, he fell into a fitful sleep.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2008 7:05 pm

Chapter Three

Leonardo, after a much needed nap, relieve Splinter of Don-duty around 3am. At first Splinter argued that he should be around for his son, but Leo was right. No matter how much Splinter denied it, he needed rest too. Finally, he complied and fell fast asleep.

Because Leo had plenty of time on his hands, he had time to mull over this situation:

Donnie was temporarily, perhaps even permanently, out of the game. Raphael ran away from responsibility, after taking out his brother. Michelangelo was, well, Michelangelo and Splinter must be worried to death. Leonardo felt as if he must shoulder the problems of the family. The ones that deserved the lift, at least.

Michelangelo, who had been woken by a bad dream, peeked out his door. He saw his eldest brother bowed over his sickly brother. Even from this distance, Mike saw tears leaking from Leo's eyes. Mike didn't like depression. He like to live life at its fullest.

Turning back to his room, Mike grabbed his skateboard and snuck into the sewers, trying to distance himself from the grim reality of life. Once he knew he was out of earshot, he whooped and began to enjoy himself.

Hours later, back in the lair, Splinter woke to relieve Leonardo. "Leonardo, my son," he began. Instantly Leo was to his feet, alert. "Perhaps April would be able to aid ou in your search for Raphael," hinted Splinter.

Splinter hit a soft spot, and Leo flared. "Why?" he spat. "Why should be waste our time looking for him? We have better things to worry about here. Besides, we're probably better off without him."

"Raphael is you brother, Leonardo." Inside, Splinter was dishearted by his son's blinded anger. "Everyone makes mistakes. And I do recall you having anger issues yourself." Splinter hoped pulling Leonardo into guilt might help. "Raphael, your family, has always been there for you in your times of confusion, recovery and difficulty." Leonardo winced. "We are all connected to eachother, and are strongest when we use these bonds to our advantage. Now," he said softly. Splinter was sure he'd gotten through. "Raphael needs your help. Be a guiding light for him in his plight through darkness. Call April and see if she could help you in yours search for Raphael." This wasn't a request, but a demand.

Leonardo bowed and muttered, "Yes, Master Splinter." Slowly, Leo walked over to where he left his shell-cell and let his sensei's words sink in. Grimacing, he accepted the wisdom of the wise and called April up.

"Hello?" April asked. Noticing the grim expression Leonardo wore, she quickly added, "Leo, what happened?"

"Long story. So I'll skip it and cut to the chase... litterally," he added after a moments thought.


"We need your help, April. R--"

"What happened?" she shouted.

"Raph ran away yesterday and we haven't heard from him in a while. We'd like you to help track him down."

"Couldn't Don find him with his shell-cell signal?" April suggested.

Leo stiffened and April frowned. "D-Don.... April, maybe you should come here and I'll fill you in."

April was silent, then disconnected.

Setting his shell-cell back, Leo walked to where Splinter was waiting. "She'll be here in a few minutes," he sighed.

Sure enough, eight minutes later April arrived. "Leo, you've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Yes. Yes, I do," Leonardo agreed. "You might want to have a seat." Motioning with his hands, he sat on the floor, right in front of Don.

"Oh, my," April gasped. She looked expectantly to Leo.

"To make a long story short, Raph and Don were training together while Mike and I were figuring out what the Purple Dragons were up to. Raph got out of control and attacked Don and Splinter. Raph then ran away. I tried looking for him, but I lost his trail. So, will you help us?"

"Sure." She looked around the lair. "Um... where's Mike?"
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2008 10:09 am

Chapter Four

For hours Michelangelo left behind life. He didn't think that anyone would miss him. Splinter and Leo seemed to have Donnie under control. When Mike's stomach cried, he fed it and when his body wept, he rested.

"Man, I love being a TURTLE!" Mike shouted.

Over time, more light was shed into the dark sewers through storm drains and manhole covers. As the hours passed, Mike strayed further and further from the lair.

Mike didn't care. He had no one to play video games with and his comics were too close to where Don rested. Leo didn't have time to play topside, but Mike longed for a friend.

Finally, Michelangelo decided to head home. But he relized he didn't know where he was. Sure, the turtles just moved to this lair, but, "I'm king of the sewers," Mike sobbed.

Trying to find a way back, Mike tried to re-trace his steps, but that plan was thwarted at the first turn.

"I can't believe it!" Mike cried. "This can't happen! Not to me!"

Suddenly, Mike thought he heard a shout. Instantly he stopped whinning and listened. He thought he heard, "Mike".

He did! "Mike!" a worried voice called. "Michelangelo!"

"Leo!" Mike whooped. I'm saved! I'm saved!

Mike's eldest brother rounded the corner to his left. April followed him. Mike was going to be in big trouble.

"Michelangelo, we've been looking for you for minutes!" Mike smiled sheepishly at the two figures before him. "You weren't lost... were you?" he asked suspiciously.

"Of course not!" denied Mike, perhaps too quickly and loudly. Leo only nodded his head, eyes narrowed.

"Uh, guys," April began. She held up her hand that held a gadget of Don's. "Are we going to go through with this?"

"With what?" Michelangelo asked.

"To find Raph," Leonardo muttered.

"Your brother," April added to Leo pointedly. To Mike it seemed she'd heard this before, and she didn't seem too happy about Leo's pestamistic mood.

Mike looked down to the skateboard he still held in his hand. Leonardo followed his gaze and sighed. A goofy grin creeped across Mike's face.

The board now safetly put away in Michelangelo's room, the three began the search for Raphael.

"I think it'd be easier if we start at my house," April suggested.

"No. The Purple Dragons and the Foot have been acting strangely lately. We should stick to the sewers until sundown," Leo explained.

"But isn't that a long time from now?" Michelangelo inquired.

"Negative, only an hour from now," April said. Mike raised a brow at her "negative". She shrugged.

The threesome looked awkwardly at eachother, and then burst into laughter, relieving some tension cast among them.

"Oh... kay," April gasped after her fit of funnies. "If Raph has his Shell-Cell still, he should be that way," she informed them, pointing north.

"Right." To Mike, it seemed as if Leo needed that chuckle. He smiled smugly.

Around sunset the turtles and April arrived just east of where Raph's signal origionated.

"Shredder," Leonardo hissed.

April shrunk at the name and squeaked, "Yeah, and according to this...." She jiggled the dying tracker. "Raph should be... in the basement."

"Shredder has a basement?" Mike asked.

"No wait!" April said. "He's moved." April hung out with the boys enough to know what she was about to say was not good. "He's moved to the top floor."

Last edited by Kifu on Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeMon Aug 25, 2008 9:48 am

Chapter Five

Surprisingly, the Foot didn't immediately take their prisoner to the Shredder. Instead they took Raphael to a dungeon of some sort. And there they left him for perhaps an hour, or a day; Raph hadn't hardly an idea. Had to have been the latter, since he was very hungry.

In his spare time, Raph wondered what would happen to him once the Shredder learned he was captive. Then Raph thought about home. how was Donnie and Master Splinter?

Thank-fully, the Foot spared the answers to the those thoughts. They grabbed a hold of his bound arms and dragged him to an elevator. Raphael felt too weak to fight back.

Soon the elevator stopped and the Foot ninjas dropped their prisoner, bowed, and then left. Raphael sensed Shredder rise to his feet and walk over to him. Still staring at the ground, Raphael never flinched.

"Finally," Shredder rasped. "After years of your meddlesome interference, I shall put an end to you life!" Over his head, he rose his clawed hand.

"I don't think so, Shredder," Raph heard. It was Leo!

"What?" the Shredder shouted. "How?"

"Yeah, Shredhead. You mess with one of us, you mess with us... all?" Mike announced.

Suddenly the ropes binding Raphael fell to the ground. Raphael looked up to see Leonardo coldly glaring at him, a sword in hand. Michelangelo had his shell to them, watching Shredder. Donatello was nowhere to be found.

"Leo--" Raph began.

"Save it," Leonardo hissed. Hi quickly turned around to face Shredder, grabbed his other katana and held them in a cross before his chest.

Raphael was angry his brother didn't want to listen to his apology, but they were in the Shredder's stronghold.

"Okay," Leo whispered so only Mike and Raph could hear. "Try not to fight, just retreat."

Michelangelo nodded and ran for the open window, nunchucks in hand. His escape plan was thwarted when numerous foot ninja surrounded the three turtles and attacked.

"Now what, O Fearless Leader?" Raphael asked as he kicked aside a ninja.

"I don't know yet!" Leonardo shouted.

From the other side of the room the Shredder laughed. The brothers were pushed back further and further into a corner, without any escape in sight.

"Leo, our shells are back against the wall," Michelangelo pointed out.

"Climb then!" Leonardo ordered, head spinning.

"There's a window," suggested Raphael. He pointed a little to their right.

Visibly confused Leo looked up, then to the window.

"Follow me," he whispered and ran through a wall of foot ninjas, screaming.

Surprised, the black-clothed men siddled to the side, letting the crazed, blade-wielding terrapin through. Just before impact with the glass, Leo turned sideways. With a crash, he vanished.

Mike looked over to Raph. Raphael was sure he was fear in Mike's eyes, but he tried the crazy stunt himself.

"Cowabunga!" he cried.

"Don't let them leave!" the Shredder screamed.

Raphael rolled his eyes at his luck and feinted a run. He could now see the escape his brothers used would not work for him. Desperately, he looked around for another escape. 'Climb then!' came to mind.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeSat Sep 06, 2008 8:30 am

Chapter Six

Leonardo struggled to keep consciensness as he plumeted to the ground below. If he kept falling, he'd surely die as he bit concrete. Hoping this might work, he stuck his hand out, for anything. Instantly he grabbed something, but he wasn't strong enough to keep the hold. He still fell, but perhaps not at a life-taking speed.

When Leonardo landed, his kness buckled and he ended up on his hands and knees.

From above he heard a faint "cowabunga!". Leo tried to move, but his whole body hurt from the impact.

"Uugh," he moaned.

Suddenly a turtle slammed into Leonardo's shell. Leo was forced onto his stomach, and the wind was knocked out of him. Then Leonardo blacked out.

When Leo awoke, three faces peered down at him.

"Leo?" Mike asked hopefully when his eyes fluttered open. "Leo!"

"You were out for a while," April informed him, concerned.

"Yeah," agreed Raph. "We were afraid we would have to carry your shell home."

"How'd you get out?" Leo inquired Raph. It hurt a lot to speak.

"Climbed," he answered shortly, turning his interest elsewhere. Leonardo wasn't exactly happy with his answer, but he was too tired to be persistant.

We've got to go before the Shredder comes after you guys," April worried.

Michelangelo already held a manhole open. "Turtle Train leaving... now!" he announced. He jumped down followed by a grumbling Raphael, sore Leonardo and fretfull April.

As they walked through the sewers, Leo asked April: "So, how long was I out?"

"Oh, I don't know. Long enough to worry Raph."

Leonardo was sure she did know, just wasn't telling him.

Due to Leo's bad shape, the going was slow. Mike wasn't looking too great either, but he didn't have to break the thick glass, or the fall of his youngest brother. Raph didn't seem to have any problems.

When the four arrived in the lair, Splinter was happy to have his family re-united. When Raphael apologized, Splinter listened, and the said, "My son, I hope you have learned something from this. If you have, I forgive you."

Leonardo said a quick, "hello," to Splinter and stumbled into his room. Michelangelo grabbed a slice of leftover pizza and sat by Donatello, who was still out cold.

Splinter walked up to April. "April, we all thank-you for helping in our search for Raphael. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." The rats eyes sparkled with concern.

April thought about her answer for a second, the replied: "No, it wasn't a problem at all." She said "goodnight", then headed for home.

April April left Mike shouted to Splinter, "I've got Don!"

Splinter smiled, then went to bed himself.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 7:24 pm

Chapter Seven

Twelve minutes into Don-duty, Mike grew bored.

"Hey Don--ya up for a game?" Mike asked. He looked over to where Donatello lay and handed him a remote. Mike sat down next to him, a controller in hand.

Staring at the blank T.V., Michelangelo thumbed the "X" button. He set the control on the chair he was sitting and paced around the couch. Soon he returned to the chair and once again held the remote. For a few minutes he studied the triangle, then replaced the controlers to where they belonged.

Michelangelo sighed and sat down in front of Don. He looked at his bandaged face, discovered it empty and different, and then began poking his unconsious brother's toe.

"Donny, wake up!" he groaned an flopped onto his back.

For a few minutes, Michelangelo stared at the ceiling, zoneing out. Then he stood back up and played with his nunchucks. He tried a trick he saw on the television, but a nunchuck flew out of his hand. It landed right in front of the kitchen.

Grinning, Mike put his weapons aside and grabbed a pop. He took it back to his chair and flipped the T.V. on. Scanning the channels, Mike found nothing was on. Frustrated, he threw the remote away from himself and switched off the monitor.

Michelangelo looked over to Don. He still lay down on the couch where Splinter and Mike had left him.

Only half and hour had passed and Mike thought of finding someone else to watch Don. Maybe Leo would.

When Mike arrived in Leo's room he was surprised by it's tidiness. Wide-eyed, he softly poked Leo on the shoulder. He cringed and looked away, but nothing happened. Lowering his arm from his face, Mike peeked to the other turtle. He didn't move.

Not feeling any better, Michelangelo poked Leo even harder. Still, he was motionless.

"Leo...?" Mike murmured. Nothing.

Putting both hands on Leonardo's shoulder, Mike shook him back and forther several times. Stepping back, Mike waited for a response. He received only some mumbles.

He's really outta it, Mike realized. Knowing he probably wouldn't get through, Mike violently shook Leo and shouted his name.

This time, Leo did wake. "Aagh," he moaned. Seeing his younger brother he growled, "'Atcha need?" A large frown was spread across his face and his eyes were squinted.

"Um...." Mike didn't know what to say.

Noticing he was possibly woken for no reason, Leo lay down and concentrated on sleep. "Nothin'," Mike muttered. Leonardo wouldn't listen to him anymore. "Go back to sleep." Already, Leo did.

Walking out of Leo's room, Mike remembered his pop. Lightening up a little, he ran to fetch it. once it was in hand, he took a long swig. It was flat and warm. Revulted, Mike poured it down the drain.

Mike returned to the chair. Bored, and beginning to feel tired, he stared hard at Donatello. When Mike was near sleep himself, he thought he saw Donnie move.

"Donnie?" Mike shouted. But either it was his imagination, or some other effect of the shadows, because on closer inspection he was the same as before.

Dissappointment replaced excitement, and Mike began to doze.
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Number of posts : 1247
Age : 29
Quote : When life gives you lemons--drink chocolate milk!! Wait, what?- Me
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Nick-Name : Amy, Nicoma, Gryffindor, Rene
Registration date : 2008-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeThu Oct 02, 2008 7:52 pm

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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 5:06 pm

Chapter Eight

"Michelangelo!" Leonardo scolded. He had caught his little brother alseep in the arm chair. "You can't sleep when you're on duty!"

Mike groaned. "I tried to wake you up--"

Rolling his eyes, Leo replied, "Well you could have done a better job."

"Whaz goin' on?" Raphael yawned. The shouting had woken him up.

"Apparently I'm lazing on the job. Leo, if I'm so bad at it, why don't you do it?" Mike argued.

"I can do it," offered Raph. His head hurt to much for this.

"NO!" Leonardo snapped. Not after what you did to him.

"Fine, then," Raphael shrugged and began for the kitchen.

Leo was about to tell Raph off too, but Donatello moaned. Three pairs of eyes went wide and each turtle rushed to Don's side.

Sweat rolled down Don's forehead, despite the cool temperature. The bandage on his head needed to be changed, along with the one around his wrist.

Again, Donatello cried out. This time his eyes fluttered, too. Finally they stayed open, but only at a squint. The muscles in his face pulled his mouth in a frown.

"Ow..." he croaked. Undoubtedly he was dehydrated.

"Donny," Raph sobbed. "I..."

Don tried to raise himself to his elbows, but Leo held him down and shook his head. Don's frown deepend, but he didn't protest.

"Raph, go tell Splinter Don's up," ordered Leonardo. Raph lingered around, angry Leo was ordering them all around. Leo glared at his stubborn brother, making up his mind for him. Fuming, Raph left.

Smiling, Mike welcomed back his brother. "We were all scared, Donny. Like never before."

Nodding, Leo added, "Yeah, it was pretty hectic these past few days without you."

"Days?" coughed Don.

"Water," Leo said, elbowing Mike.

"Yessir!" In a flash Mike was in the kitchen.

"Days," agreed Leo. "Two of them."

"Ow," repeated Don.

Just then Raph arrived with Splinter. Leo scooted aside for his master.

"Donatello," Splinter sighed. Leonardo could feel waves of relief waft off him. He smiled happily.

Michelangelo returned with a glass of water. Piling pillows under Don's shell and head, Leonardo transferred the glass from Mike to Don. Donatello tried to steady the glass with both hands--he was shaking severely--but discovered his one hand was tightly bandaged. Puzzled, he passed the water back to Leo.

"What?" Don asked, staring at his injured arm. He looked to Leo for an explaination. Jaws clenched, Leo motioned to Raph. "What?" persisted Don, who now switched his gaze over to Raph.

Glowering over at his older brother, Leo, Raphael explained very simply: "I-I'm sorry Don." He shifted his attention to the floor.

Don's eyes widened. He remembered now: Raphael and Donatello were training without weapons. For continuous hours Splinter critiqued their styles and corrected them. In those same hours Raphael was hardly able to touch his brother. When Donatello pushed Raphael to the floor, he lost his temper and swung a large, metal bar at Donatello's head. Donatello was too surprised to act for a while, but when he finally did, it was too late. Don let out a big whoosh of air and touched his head. He didn't touch skin, but gauze instead.

"Alright," Splinter warned, notcing Donatello was overwhelmed. "Everyone out! Donatello needs some rest."

Leonardo looked at the glass in his hand. He pushed it to Splinter, who took it. Happy his brother was still alive, Leo headed to his room.

Raph and Mike had already left the living area.
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Number of posts : 1247
Age : 29
Quote : When life gives you lemons--drink chocolate milk!! Wait, what?- Me
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Nick-Name : Amy, Nicoma, Gryffindor, Rene
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 5:17 pm

This is so cool!
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Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 5:24 pm

lol. Why thank-you. I've got more chapters, so I probably should type up the next one, too. Wait, it gets even better! :o
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Number of posts : 1247
Age : 29
Quote : When life gives you lemons--drink chocolate milk!! Wait, what?- Me
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Nick-Name : Amy, Nicoma, Gryffindor, Rene
Registration date : 2008-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 5:25 pm

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Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 5:40 pm

Chapter Nine

Once his brothers left Splinter pushed the glass of water back into Don's hand. A frown was still spread across his face.

"Donatello, you must drink," he persisted.

Hand still shaky, but not as much as before, Don riased the glass to his lips and took a long swig. Some of the water didn't make it in, and it dribbled down his chin. After he drank his fill, Don handed the glass back to his master and settled down to sleep again.

"Master," he began and licked his lips. "Boring watching... me sleep." Every word he uttered hurt, so he kept his sentances short and simplified. "I alright... by self." A long pause. "Go... rest."

"No," Splinter denied firmly. "I cannot be around forever, Donatello. So while I still am, I shall stay around and help you. Let you be prepared for whatever you shall run into. While I still filter air through my lungs I will care for you. I am here for you." For the last few words he spoke softly; Donatello was asleep again. "Oh Donatello, please get well...."

When Leonardo was ushered out of the living area, he headed straight for his room. Instead of closing the curtains (he had fabric draped over his doorway for quick exit) he left his doorway wide open. These strips of fabric slowed him down and muffled sound. He wanted to be there for Don as quickly as possible, when needed.

As much as he tried he couldn't take a nap since he just woke up and was fully rested. Looking around his room he saw a bookshelf with a few books on it. Inriged, he stepped to the area and pulled a book off the shelf. It was entiredly written in japanese kana. He settled down on his bed with the book in his lap.

Raphael didn't know why each of them had to leave the main lair, but he didn't complain. In fact, he was the first to leave. Donatello was alright, but he still had some things to clairfy.

When Raph peered out of his doorway he saw Leo was just relunctantly leaving. He didn't look too happy either. Goody two shoes, Raph scowled.

Once Leo was in his room Don and Splinter had a hushed conversation. It was more of a Splinter monologue. Already a lecture, marveled Raph. Lucky it ain't by Leo.

Soon Raph was bored by the scene and shut his door, softly. He tried to busy himself, but half of his mind was constantly on Don and what he had to do. Several times he tried to shake it, but it wouldn't leave.

"Aarr!" Raphael exclaimed angrily, but quietly.

Opening his scarred door, Raphael walked across the open space and confronted his sensei.

"Master Splinter, could I have time alone with Donny?" he asked with a hush.

Splinter raised a brow, thought for a second, then nodded. "Yes," he whispered and very slowly walked to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Raphael scanned the large room. Leonardo left his doorway wide open. Yet, he was out of sight. Michelangelo left his door cracked open. A small amount of light filtered through the gap. Splinter closed his translucent door completely.

When Raphael sat in the chair and started turning his sai over and over in his hand, Donatello awoke again. At first he just lay there with his eyes open, but then he rose into a sitting position. Worried, Raphael jumped to his feet.

Seeing his brother's concern, Don smiled and waved his hand, signalling he was okay. Raph scowled and threw himself back into the chair.

"Don't do that."
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 6:00 pm

Chapter Ten

For a few minutes, the two brothers stared at eachother, each not moving. Donatello knew better than to test Raphael's anger again. But the longer he waited, he need to more and more.

"Raph," Don finally rasped. "Need water."

Raph's upper lip rose very little, but still detechtable. Without saying anything he snatched up the empty glass to get Don more water.

For a brief moment, Donatello was alone. To him, though, it seemed longer.

When Raph came back with the water, he shoved it into Don's good hand and sat back down. Before Don raised the glass to drink, he asked, "You know time?"

"Raph furrowed his brow in puzzlement before realizing what his younger brother was asking. "You mean, what time is it?" he grumbled.

Donatello nodded his head.

Before answering, Raphael pointed at the now empty glass. "Need more?"

Again, Donatello nodded.

Raphael rose and gently grabbed the glass from Don's hand, saying, "I'll check." He left the kitchen.

Once more Donatello was alone.

"Three fifteen," Raphael said as he gave a full glass of water to Don.

"Thanks." This time Don drank just a little before setting the glass in a safe place. "Where'd everyone go?" Don could speak a little easier now his throat wasn't so dry.

"To their rooms," Raphael promptly answered. His patience amazed Don.


"To give you peace." Raphael glanced nervously to Splinter's door before adding, "But I've got to talk."

"Go ahead."

"Donny, what I did was unexeptable. To you. I can't lose my temper and hurt my family like I did. I'm really sorry."

"It was an accident, I'm sure," comforted Don.

"Not finished."

"Oh." Great, Raphael reveals his emotions now.

"When you pushed me down, I was fed up with you and wanted to stop. I wanted a good blow. And...." A tear ran down his cheek. "I sorta got that blow. When you went down I still didn't have control over myself. Splinter ran to try and help you. He wasn't able to.

"I dropped the bar and went for my sai. With the sai I barreled into Splinter and drove the weapon into his arm.

"Finally I came to my senses and I didn't know what to do. So I ran away. I ran a few blocks into the sewers then went up top. The Foot were waiting for me.

"I caused a lot of trouble. Leo and Mike had to come fetch me from the Shredder. So, you have no idea what this apology means to me."

Don stared wide-eyed at Raph. "You did all that?" he exclaimed.

"Yeah," Raph confirmed. "Though I wish I hadn't."

"Man, I'd hate to be in your shell."

Suddenly Leonardo burst into the main lair. He frowned upon seeing Don sitting up, but he said nothing about it.

"Where's Mike?" he asked instead. "We've got to go. Urgent."

"In his room," Raph said. "I'll tell Splinter." He rose to his feet and started walking toward Splinter's room.

"No time. We've got to go. Don, stay here."

While Leo fetched Mike, Raph shouted, "Splinter! We've got to go! Without Don!" he added. Soon the three of the four were gone.
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Number of posts : 1247
Age : 29
Quote : When life gives you lemons--drink chocolate milk!! Wait, what?- Me
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Nick-Name : Amy, Nicoma, Gryffindor, Rene
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 6:03 pm

Ohh... mysterious
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 1:51 pm

Chapter Eleven

On their hurried way Leonardo explained why they were hurrying and to where.

"April somehow got wind of what the Purple Dragons are doing. She also found out where they're hiding."

"Okay, so we spy for days trying to figure this out and she finds this out my stumbling in on it?" Mike frowns.

"Yeah, so it seems."

"So what's happening?" Raph inquired.

"We're heading towards a two-story warehouse, where they're hiding," Leo explained. "April said something about black market."

"Surprise, surprise," muttered Raphael.

"Not only that, but they're recruiting members."

"We can still kick butt, though," Mike gloated.

"Sure, but you've been watching the news lately, right?"

"Been trying not to. But somebody insists we do," Raph growled, pointedly staring at Leo.

"Right. Have you been paying attention?" Leo asked.


"There's been a lot of murders lately in this part of the city. I have a hunch that each member recruited has to kill someone in order to be accepted. Normal street gang thing."

"You're starting to sound like Don," Raph mumbled. Leo threw him a dirty look and continued: "So now we know that they have the ability to kill and they've got phohibited weapons."

"Guns?" Mike gulped.

"Guns," Leo confirmed. "We're here," he said, stopping. "It's ninja time."

The three climbed the ladder to up top and stepped into the looming building's shadow. It was deathly quiet and still.

"Through here," ordered Leonardo. He led them through a broken window. Inside the dark room, it took a while for their eyes to adjust.

"Is that the door?" Raph asked himself as he moved through the room.

"Careful," warned Leo. Slowly, he followed Raph's dark shape. Mike wasn't far behind.

Suddenly a large line of light filled the room as Raph pulled open the door. The harsh brightness of it blinded the turtles for a few moments.

When they could finally see again, Mike gasped, "Uh-oh."

"Well, hello," said the leader of the gang. He stood in the doorway, flanked by a few of his goons. "We were wondering when you'd pay us a visit."

"Raptor," Leonardo hissed the Dragon's name.

"Leonardo," Raptor replied. He spread his large hands in greeting. He had his palms closed. To his allies, the gesture meant, circle them.

Leonardo slowly pulled a sword from its sheathe, suddenly ready to fight. His brothers also held their weapons at ready.

"I wouldn't do that," Raptor advised softly. More of the gang surrounded the terrapins, these holding the banned guns.

Eyes darting from side to side, Leo sized up the enemy. Knowing the odds were against them, he screeched, "Attack!"

He threw his body into two Dragons, whilst slicing another with his blades. The two he crushed landed solidly on the concrete floor.

Flipping into the air, Leo soared over Raptor's short, but stocky body and continued the fight, heading up a set of stairs.

"Follow him!" Raptor seethed, pointing to Leo.

The gunmen, who had been idle, did so.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 5:01 pm

Chapter Twelve

Donatello sat on the couch, knowing Master Splinter would soon be out.

He was angry Leo directly told him to stay home and Raph hinted the fact even further to their sensei. Of course he was going to stay home. Who would expect him to fight in this state? Unless the situation required whatever they could need, no one.

Just as he thought, Master Splinter receeded into the living from his room. If he needed this constant care, how could he fight?

"Is there something troubling you?" Splinter worried.

Donatello continued looked at his feet and answered, "No. I just wish I could be there for them. That's all."

"I'm sure they feel the same way."

"Oh yeah? Then why did they make such a big point that I've got to stay here?" Don asked angrily.

Without looking, Don knew he had made Splinter uncomfortable. He didn't say anything.

"Perhaps they were stating I shouldn't have to worry losing you," Splinter answered uneasily, but it sounded like a question.

Finally Don looked at his Master. "You'll still worry about them," he guessed softly.

"Yes, I still worry when each of you is out of the lair."

"We normally have it under control."

"'Normally'," Splinter agreed. "But not always."

"Not always," Don confirmed, looking back to his feet.

A long silence filled the lair. Master Splinter stared at the top of Don's head, whilst Don stared at the floor.

"Uh," Don began, not knowing how to put it. "Do you suppose I could have a minute to myself?" He looked back up.

Master Splinter's eyes were clouded with worry. Don was about to say something else, but the worry was largely replaced by confusion.

Donatello was always the brother who was an outcast, of a sort, from the others, but he had never asked to be along. He enjoyed the company of his brothers.

Again Donatello tried starting another sentance, but instead Master Splinter spoke. "Donatello, my son, I trust you by yourself. I'll leave you alone, but I'll be at the ready to hurry to your aid. Please do not leave the couch, for your own safety."

When he left Don was left speachless.

For minutes Don stayed in that position, puzzling over the events of the past few days. The more he thought, though, the sadder he became.

He slid from the cusion onto his knees. Sobs welled up in his throat, but he refused to let them out. If only his father and brothers were here.... And see him in this state? Those three were unpredictable; they would terrorize him until his last breath.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 5:17 pm

Chapter Thirteen

When a few of those creepy creeps surrounded the turtles, Mike knew that Leo's surprise attack went down the drain. Not only that, but the only way out alive of the warehouse was to fight.

Holding his nunchucks still in front of his body, Michelangelo surveyed the crowed. They were a big, mean bunch. What was Leo planning to do?

Mike's answer came quickly. "Attack!" Leo ordered.

The goons came quickly. Michelangelo began spinning his nunchucks and launched himself into the nearest dudes. The wooden weapon cracked into one's head. Mike's fist snapped the other's neck backwards.

Now that those two were out of the way, Mike saw Dragons with guns. But they didn't do anything. Spinning around he decided to ignore them back.

"Follow him!" Raptor cried, pointing to the stairs. Leo was no where in sight.

Every gunman started filing up the narrow stairway. Every one else stayed. Not that "every one else" was a lot.

While some of the Purple Dragons were distracted Mike attacked. He dodged between one's legs, knocking him off balance. Raph was soon finishing him off. Meanwhile, Michelangelo swung a nunchuck at an older man's head. He ducked and swung his leg under Mike's body, knocking him off the floor. Mike was up in an instant, but the man wasn't as lucky. HIs nose bit concrete as Mike stepped onto his head.

The only person left alive and well in the room was Raptor. Seeing Raphael's and Michelangelo's focus was on him, he fled up the stairs. The turtles gave hot pursuit.

"That was easy," Raph pointed out as they climbed the flight.

"Yeah. A little too easy," Mike agreed.

Opening the heavy door seperating them from Raptor, Michelangelo and Raph heard gunshots. Leonardo was flipping backwards to get out of the spray. He possesed only one katana at this moment.

Raphael ran across the shadowed portion of the room and slid his sai through the attacker's throat. Instantly he seized fire and fell to the floor.

Even from a distance Mike saw triumph on Raph's face. Sickened, Mike turned to the other end of the room.

Already Leo was locked in battle with several gang members. Mike decided to even the odds.

Sprinting across the large room, Mike was valnurable. A gunman took advantage of that and open-fired. Mike swerved toward the wall to avoid the onslaught. The trail of bullets followed hiim and swept across him.

A few rounds embedded into Mike's body. The shock stopped him in his tracks. Again the fully-automatic machine fired. A few caught Mike and forced him through an open window. In a fraction of a second, he was gone.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 5:26 pm

Chapter Fourteen

"Michelangelo!" Leonardo cried when Mike vanished. He gave one angry swipe with his katana to end his battle, and succeeded. He started forward, but was pulled to the ground by another foe. The sword clanked across the floor.

"Mike!" Raphael shouted, the same exact time as Leo. Unlike Leo, he had more enemies surrounding him and he couldn't as easily mow them down.

With new energy he focused all of his attention to his fight. The Purple Dragons weren't trained for intensive hand-to-hand combat. Raph was, on the other hand.

Finally able to rid of the Dragons, Raphael sprinted toward the window. Leo joined him. Just before they reached it, Raptor slid betwen them and Mike. Two muscle men with giant machine guns stepped behind Raptor. Leo and Raph were forced to make an abrupt stop.

"Going somewhere, freaks?" he asked calmly.

"Out of our way," Leo demanded, his voice dark. The tone scared even Raph.

"The only way you're going is to Hell, my friend," Raptor replied.

"Oh yeah?" Raph spat, "Who's going to make us?"

"I am," Raptor cried and yanked a gun from his left-hand goon's hand. He began to fire, spraying a line right to left.

"Duck!" Leo screamed. But he didn't move fast enough to evade every bullet. Two hit him in his right arm.

Raptor began advancing on the two turtles, still spraying rounds.

"Leo, we've got to retreat," Raph admitted painfully. "It's a choice between death of us all, or just Mike." It hurt to say this. It wasn't like Raph.

Leonardo started to argue, but saw truth in Raph's words. Tears forming in his eyes, Leonardo admitted defeat. "Retreat."

Raph and Leo rolled to opposite sides and sprinted to the stairs. Each hated to leave Mike behind, but it seemed to be their only choice.

Raptor let the two flee, glowing in his triumph.

When the two turtles reached the ground floor, they ran to the window they came in through, quickly loosing strength; Leo also loosing blood.

In the sewers, Leo demanded Raph: "Use my mask to slow the blleding in my arm. We'll take better care of it back at home." Raph did so, trying hard not to tremble so he could tie and untie a knot. "How're you doing?" Leo asked.

"We've got to go back and get Mike!" Raph shouted.

"Raph, you know we can't do that; we'll just become game ourselves. Besides, I meant your body. Anything crucial?"

"How could you say that?" Raph howled. "We can't leave him behind! Have you any heart?"

"Raph, settle down. I would if we could, but if we do, we'd just have the same fate."

"Not if we do it right," Raph sobbed, weakening.

"Even if we do everything possible. Come on, we've got to tell Splinter."

"Master Splinter," Leonardo began, kneeling in front of the rat.

Instantly alarmed, Splinter stiffened. Michelangelo was missing, Raph was kneeling beside Leo, Leonardo's mask was tied around his arm, which was bleeding, and Leonardo's katana were missing. Raphael had tears dried on his cheecks along with crimson-colored sais--fresh blood.

"We found where the Purple Dragons were indeed hiding. But they also found us. They fought us and we fought them and caused them many casualties. Hopefully they shouldn't be a big threat for a while. But, they caused us a casualty, too."

"Michelangelo," Splinter moaned. Donatello, who had been sitting against the back of the couch, suddenly leaned heavily against it.

"We're sorry, Master. We tried to retreive him, but Raptor gave us only one choice."

"It is not your fault, my son," Splinter said half-heartedly. Then he turned around and shut himself up in his room.

"Mike," Don whispered, "Gone?"

"And we didn't even get to say good-bye," Raph sniffled.

"I'm sorry," Leonardo called softly to Splinter's door.
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Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 6:51 pm

Chapter Fifteen

Raphael paced back and forth. Splinter refused to free himself of his room and Don and Leo watched Raph helplessly from the couch.

Suddenly Raphael stopped his pacing and looked to Leo, eyes full of loss and hatred.

"How did Raptor know we were going to attack?" he demanded.

Leonardo began to shrug, almost half-asleep, but the question couldn't just be tossed away.

"What do you mean? They were ready for you?" Donatello asked.

"Yeah," Leo replied, sitting up straight from his slumped position.

Raph looked from Leo to Don and then back again. "It was a trap."

"The information April got was set up," Leo added.

"I don't see how this helps our getting Michelangelo back," Don sighed.

"It doesn't matter."

"What? Getting back Mike?" Don cried.

"No, no. It doesn't matter that this means nothing to getting back Mike. We have ourselves in the middle of something we have no clue over."

"What did he just say?" Raphael mumbled.

"[i]Meaning[/b], the Purple Dragons are definately into something and they don't want us to find out," Leonardo explained.

"If Mike's still alive--" Don began, dread creeping into his tone.

Leo buried his face in his hands. "He can't be."

"He was..."

"Burried in bullets."

"No one could have survived that spray. Not even a mutant terrapin," Raphael whispered.

"But even if he is," Donatello argued, determined to give his brother faith. "The Dragons could have set up another trap with him as bait."

Leo stiffened. Then he looked up between his two brothers, focusing on neither. "We've got to go back."

"Leo, none of us are in the state to fight," Don reasoned.

"That's where you're wrong, brainiac," Raph countered, spreading his arms wide.

"You can't go alone...."

"Are you suddenly changing sides? Besides, we've got Splinter," Raph challenged.

"Donny, we've got no other choice. We've got to get Mike back, dead or alive," Leo decided gravely.

"This isn't looking bright," Don warned.

"When has our lives ever been smooth sailing?"

"You better be careful, Raph," Leo said. "And bring back our Mike."

Raphael took a deep breath and slowly walked to Splinter's room. "Master Splinter?" he called softly. Silence. Worried, he looked back to Don and Leo.

Leo gave him a reassuring nod. Don blinked slowly.

"Master Splinter, we've got a plan. We're going back to get Mike." Pause. "Well, me and you?"

Splinter opened up his door. He was a mess. His eyes were red from crying and his shoulders slumped. On his head fur stuck up in every direction. Instead of holding his ears up, they lay flat on his head.

"Master Splinter, will you come with me?"

Look up, Splinter placed a hand softly on Raph's shoulder. When he spoke, his voice was rough and cracked. "Of course, Raphael.

"Through times of touch and periods of pain, the true friendship will never wane. And so that statement shall become true, yes?"

Raphael bowed his head and agreed.
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Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 7:02 pm

Chapter Sixteen

Once Raph and Splinter left the lair, Leo was unnerved. He didn't like staying behind while Raph and Splinter did the dirty work. Leo liked to be there for his brothers, even if they weren't there for him.

Don watched the door, afraid that he and Leo might be ambushed at home. Something in the air signaled that something, something bad, was going to happen.

After only a few minutes of Raph and Splinter's absence, Leo tried to busy his mind. Worry knawed at his insides and the waiting was worse than any battle wound.

"Donny," he finally said, "We've got to do something."

Don sighed. "Like what?" he asked. "Neither of us are in the shape to track down some idiot gansters and then revive our left-for-dead brother. Leonardo, listen to reason. I hated being left out when you went to kick their butts the first time. Do you know how bad I feel for not being there for Mike?"

With a grunt Don got up and walked over to where Leo stood. He felt a little dizzy from the blood loss still, but he kept moving nonetheless. The least he could do was be there for Leo. Once beside his brother, Don put an arm around his shoulder.

"Leo, you need to rest," Don ordered softly. Suddenly he lost his balance. "Come rest with me on...." He didn't finish his sentance. Don lost his soft grip on Leo's back and he dipped forward. Just before his body hit the cement floor of the lair, Leo caught him, ignoring the searing pain in his arm.

Taking a deep breath, Leo dragged Donatello onto the couch. Once he was in a suitable position, Leo took a seat himself.

Leonardo's own blood loss and his efforts in the battle left him drained. With the amount of energy he put into worrying, all Leo needed was a short nap. At least with the distraction he forgot enough of Mike, Raph and Splinter to do so.

After a few minutes Don drifted back into consciousness. He lay on the counch confused until he realized what probably happened.

"Leo?" he rasped. When he didn't receive an acknowledgement, he began to get worried. "Leo?" he called again a bit more loudly. Still no reply.

With some effort, Don lifted his body just enough so he could see his feet. At the other end of the couch Leo sat with his head in his elbow. His legs were crunched into an awkward assembly on the ground.

Smiling, Don laid his head back on the arm rest. No one really knew how much Leo did for their family. He watched over the rest of them when even he seemed wrapped up in his own worries. He almost always shouldered everyone's problems, lifting osme of the stress off of them.

It was a wonder how bad situations always drew out the good in even the seemingly most self-centered people.

Raph was normally a tough guy who didn't have any feelings other than anger. Until this week, that was. But this week he showed her really cared for the whole family, especially Michelangelo.

With calming thoughts drifting around his mind, Donatello was able to lull himself back to sleep. He could have slept for hours if Raph hadn't of burst back into the lair.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 10:24 pm

Chapter Seventeen

"Don? Leo?" Raph screeched. "Where are ya?" He hurried over to the living area and saw the two brothers he was looking for. "Hey!" he called.

Don roused himself from sleep. "Shh," he murmured. "Let him sleep; he'll have enough to worry about when he wakes up, let alone prematurely."

Raph rolled his eyes. "I don't see why he's so special."

"You have no idea how much he does for us, do you?" Don bristled. "Leave Leo alone. Tell me what you need."

The elder brother sighed. "We didn't see Mike. There was blood where he hit, but Mike wasn't there."

Don's mouth dropped open. Gathering his sense, he closed it partway before asking, "How far did he fall?"

"Uh, a story. We were fighting on the second floor."

Without seeming to absorb the information, Don continued. "And you mentioned blood. In relation to the beating he took, was there a lot of blood?"

"How am I supposed to--" Raph halted at Don's dark look. "Ah, there was a good sized puddle. But, Don, there weren't any smear marks or anything. How could he have moved?"

"Mike was moved," Don answered simply. "So we still don't even know if he's alive. Was there a blood trail?" Raph nodded. "Did you follow it?"

"I didn't; Splinter did. He told me to come back here and check on you. There's no telling what will happen, but Splinter can look after himself. So he told me." He sat down in the arm chair. "So, how things going here?"

"We're fine," Don assured him. "That is, if you look over our wounds." Raph flinched. "You may be responsible for my injuries, Raph, but I forgave you. Besides, you're my brother. No one can hold a serious grudge against you for too long."

"Leo can," Raph corrected. "Leo is. I can tell it when he's awake."

Don let out a deep breath. "He will forgive you. Actually, Leo must forgive you if we're expected to live through this."

"I'm the only uninjured one," Raph argued. "I can't take care of everyone myself!"

"You're not expected to." He took a breath, held it, stood up, and then let it out. Expecting the worse, Raph jumped to his feet so he could steady his brother. Once he was close enough, Don wrapped his arms around Raph's shoulders into a hug. "We'll all help each other." For the first time, Raph didn't object to the gesture.

Splinter entered the room, interrupting the moment. Panicked, Raph threw Don onto the couch and stepped away. Don, surprsied, looked around until his eyes fell upon his sensei.

Over the shock, Raph grunted, "How'd it go?"

"Not so good," the master answered glumly. "I followed the trail to a dock and was ambushed. My attackers were only young street punks, but it makes me uneasy. Something beyond our imaginations will happen."

Don glanced uneasily at Raph, but instead of looking worried, he bristled with anger. "There isn't much we can do about it, unless we have enough accurate information," Donatello said. His eyes twitched to Leo. "And fit warriors."

"I'm fit," Raph argued.

"You're the only one," Don pointed out. "I can barely stand; both Splinter and Leo have limited or no use of their arms; and Mike's . . . Mike's, well, not here."

"Donatello's got a point, Raphael," Splinter reasoned. "We need to recooperate."

"At the cost of Mike's life?" snorted Raph. "He may be a pest, but I ain't gonna let him die!"

He didn't want to think it, but Don felt he had to bring it up, to soothe Raph for a moment. "Mike might already be dead, you said so yourself, Raph. We'll get him, but not now. If we go now, we'll all meet the same fate as him."

Raph opened his mouth to argue, thought better of it, and stormed out of the room. Angrily, he slammed his door, which woke Leo.

"What?" he asked grogilly. "Ready to move?"

"Leonardo, you need your rest. Sleep well, my son," Splinter said. Leo, who had not fully woken up, did as he was told. The sensei focused on the remaining brother. "And Donatello, you need to rest so you could join us soon. Sleep. . . ."

The world turned black.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2009 11:44 am

Chapter Eighteen

He woke, panick filling his thoughts. Everything that had happened recently replayed itself agonizingly, repeatingly in his head. He fell out the window and lay sprawled on the ground, too hurt to move. He even imagined Leo and Raph escaping, leaving him behind.

Footsteps echoed off the building walls. Strange voices reached his ears. Five fingered hands lifted his bloody form off of the ground and forward. He had no idea where he was going until the people carrying him slowed. They stepped onto an unstable surface and--

Someone shook the dreaming turtle awake. "Don!" he cried. "Wake up!" He shook him again. "You were going to hurt yourself thrashing around like that."

Donatello opened his eyes and saw Leo standing over him. "You alright? What were you dreaming about?" the concerned brother asked.

Don didn't answer right away. He was still trying to shake off the dream. "Mike," he whispered. Leo raised a questioning brow, but let the turtle continue. "I was him. He . . . he . . ."

Leo lay a reassuring hand on Don's shoulder. "It's going to be alright," he promised his frightened brother.

"Leo? What about your arm?" Don suddenly exclaimed. "If it's no treated, you might never regain the use of it." Leo's face paled, but he didn't otherwise react. "Go get my first-aid kit; I'll try my best to fix it."

The elder brother studied Don for a moment. They were both in bad shape, but Leo kept thinking he was safe and would heal, not Donny. "I'm fine," he finally said.

Stubbornly, Don shook his head. "You're not," he stated simply. "Your grip is weak and your hands shakes. Go get my first-aid kit," he repeated.

Leo bowed his head. Despite what Don argued, the turtle was a great healer. If he thought Leo would have a lame arm, Leo'd better believe it. If Don thought he could prevent that, there was a good chance he would. "I'll find it," he promised.

He walked out of Don's sight. For some reason, Don felt at unease, even though no one could possibly find them in the lair. Nonetheless, he willed his brother to hurry up and come back. When he did, less than a minute later, Don let out a pent-up breath.

"What's wrong?" Leo inquired, suddenly on guard.

"Nothing," Don assured him. Leo set the kit down at Don's feet and struggled to keep his arms uncrossed--without success. The brothers stared each other down for a moment before Don gave in. "It--I just feel vulnerable . . . and alone, that's all."

"I would never let anything happen to you," Leo vowed. "You know that?"

"I know you would try your best to protect all of us." Since Leo seemed more relaxed, Don added, "But you're not a God. You can't possibly keep us all safe."

The world seemed to crash on Leo's shoulders. He stayed silent while he sank to his knees. "I know," he whispered. His voice cracked upon remembering Mike's death. There was just no way on Earth he could have survived such punishment.

"Come," Don ordered lightly, "let me fix up your physical wounds." But you're going to need Master Splinter's help to heal the deeper ones.

The turtle turned his watery eyes onto Don before complying. Don held back a shudder; that look was deep and excessively pained. Leo didn't blame himself, did he?

Don didn't immediately dig into the box. Instead, he removed the mask and poked around Leo's shoulder, wincing every time he flinched. The would was deep, which was bad, but the bullets didn't seem to break any bones. They didn't exit through the back, so the shot was still in his flesh. Even worse, Leo needed stiches; his arm was in poor shape.

"I should have done this sooner," he muttered.

Leo looked up. "Don't blame your--"

Donatello cut him off angrily: "If I can't kick myself, then you shouldn't, either! It's nice that you care about us, but shredding yourself from the inside out isn't a great way to show it!"

The braniac's patient paled again. "I'm sorry," Don amended. "I should have kept that to myself."

"No, I'm sorry," Leo apologized, sincere. "It's like watching--watching a brother . . . die."

"Oh, Leo," Don hushed. He dropped beside Leo's good side, hugging him around the neck and began crying. Leo patted him on the shell, letting his own tears fall freely.

It took a long time for Don to straighten himself out. He crawled back onto the couch behind Leo, concealing sobs that escaped his armor. He focused his whole attention on the injury, eventually blocking everything else out.

"This might sting," he murmured, grabbing a pair of tweezers from the now opened kit.

"Go," Leo said, tensing. Don's statement was most likely a sore understatment.

Taking a deep breath for himself, Don plucked out each of the metal pieces. He was surprised there were so many. He tried to be speedy, because the tears that rolled down Leo's cheecks weren't for Mike anymore, but for the pain Don administrated. Ever time his brother swallowed a cry, Don almost stopped what he was doing. There was no way this could be so painful to Leo!

"Are you done?" Leo forced after a long moments pause.

"No," Don answered honestly. Leo grimaced. "I have all the bullets out, but your arm is sucking the life blood from your body, albeit slowly. I don't know how it stopped in the first place, especially concerning you moving it so frequently."

Leonardo almost cracked a smile. "Your rants are sometimes so confusing."

Puzzled, Don said, "I wasn't trying to be that time." He added with more concern, "Can you handle any more pain? I need to stitch you up."

"Pain is only mortal."

"Uh-huh. Right." Leo's sudden mood wasn't brightening Don's worries. "I'm going put you under local anesthesia so you will only feel some tugs. The pain in your arm will be temporarily lifted, but it'll probably come back once the anesthetic lifts."

"I thought anesthesia was a loss of memory."

"Uh . . . no, that's something different." Don almost wondered if knocking the turtle out completely would be a better idea. Leo almost seemed spaced out. "There'll be a poke," Don announced, sticking the needle into Leo's flesh. Then he wondered if the agony in his arm would cover the slight discomfort. Maybe it intensified it?

Donatello brushed the thought from his mind and stitched the surface of Leo's wounds. The inside would have to heal itself. As a finishing touch, Don wrapped the tender skin in a thin sheet of gauze. Suddenly tired, he began to pack up.

"Thanks," Leo said, "for everything."
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
Registration date : 2008-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 9:21 pm

Chapter Nineteen

"Yo Leo," Raph called, waking the two bandaged turtles. He didn't give Leo enough time to acknowledge him and continued, "Let's get some practice in."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Don said. "He's probably still weak from the blood loss."

Leo stood up, shaking his head. "I'm going to have to disagree with you, Don. I do feel a little out of shape, but Raph's right. I need to get used to having one useful arm."


"I didn't lose as much blood as you, either. Besides . . . I've got to find Mike."

Don turned away. "Yeah, alright," he snarled. "Go kill yourself and make everything better."

Leo exchanged a worried look with Raph, and then opened his mouth to say something to Don, but Raph set a hand on Leo's good shoulder. "Leave him," Raph whispered. "Trust me."

Leonardo suddenly remembered that Raph was the reason Donatello couldn't help. Scornfully, he shook the hand off and growled, "I don't trust you. Not yet. Do me a favor: When we're practicing, don't kill me off, alright?"

Raph's eye twitched, but he bit off his reply. He hated when Leo acted like him. "As you wish, O' Fearless Leader."

The two turtles walked to the center of the lair, which doubled as a dojo. Leo reached up to grab one of his katanas, but brought his hand down quickly when he realized he lost them both in the fight against the Dragons. He almost suggested the go hand-to-hand, but Raph probably had enough of that training before this dark time passed. For a moment he stood wondering what to do.

"Yo bro," Raph called. In answer, Leo lifted his head from off his chest. "Take this." He tossed a heavy wooden practice sword to the unmasked turtle--as his mask was soaked with his own blood--who caught it.

"I won't be able to fight any Dragons with this," Leo pointed out, "but thanks." He twisted the hilt, forcing the sword in a circle around his fingers.

"We can maybe ask for April's help there," Raph suggested, falling into a ready stance.

"Maybe," Leo agreed. He too slipped into the stance, slightly more balanced that Raph's.

Almost instantly, Raphael threw himself a Leo, arcing his hand through the air. With the grace of the ninja, Leo siddled off to the side and grabbed Raph's hand. He twisted it, forcing the turtle to his knees. After no more than a few seconds, Raph was freed.

Rubbing his shoulder, Raph grumbled, "Even with one arm I can't beat him!"

"You could," Leo contradicted, "if you were faster."

"Thanks," muttered Raph, dropping back into the position.

Leonardo picked up his sword, but didn't even bother with a new position and immediately rushed forward, his good arm leading. Taking a step backwards, Raph brought up his sai, twirled and kicked Leo back. They continued attacking and reacting, Don watching on the sidelines.

Even though Leo didn't have use of his one arm, he could still hold his own against Raph. He couldn't really push forward, but just being able to stand up against his enemies was enough to make him feel better.

Suddenly, Leo took a running leap, flipped over Raph's head and landed with a roll, since he couldn't use his arms. Before Raph could react, Leo placed his bokken against Raph's neck.

"Dead," he breathed, the exersize catching up to him.

With the palm of his hand, Raph pushed the fake sword away. "Show off," he growled.

Smiling, Leo answered, "No, just determined."

"Stupid," Don butted in.

Leo shook his head with a sigh. "After a rest, I'll take Don for a walk and see how he feels."

"I could do it," Raph offered.

Still distrusting his brother, Leo shook his head. "No," he said with force, "I'll do it."

"Whatever. Yo, Leo, should I call April up and see if she could hook ya up with a couple a katana?"

"Yeah, I guess," Leo said, making his way to the couch. "But if she's busy, don't presser her!"

"I won't," Raph called gruffly, pulling out his shell-cell. He pressed one button and was connecting with their human friend.

"Yes?" she answered. "Is everything alright?"

Raph hesitated. "Yo, April," he began, "we need to ask a favor."

Through the connection Raph could sense April's own unease. "What do you need?"

"Leo lost his katana in the fight, and he needs another pair. And--if you can't find two--one'll be fine."

There was a long pause before April responded. "Raph, what happened? Fill me in on everything."

With an uneasy sigh, Raph began the story in the sewers after her call, ending when he and Leo fled, leaving their brother behind.
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Number of posts : 2986
Age : 29
Quote : I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows.
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Nick-Name : Abby
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PostSubject: Re: TMNT FanFic: some graphic content   TMNT FanFic: some graphic content Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 11:14 am

Chapter Twenty

"You sure you're alright, Don?" Leo inquired.

"I'm fine," Don repeated for the fourteenth time. "I still feel weak, but . . ."

"Don?" Leo turned to see his brother, who suddenly leaned very hard against his side. On Leo's good side, he wrapped his arm around Don's shell. The broken turtle's hand was over Leo's shoulder. "Don?" he repeated, more frantically.

"I'm fine," Donatello replied finally, albeit weakly. "Sorry, I just blacked out for a few seconds."

"Should I take you back to the couch?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

Leo guided his brother around, and then made a bee-line for the living area. He had taken his own suggestion and taken Don for a short walk, which lasted for no more than a few minutes. With Leo's help, Don was able to excape harm every time his own legs failed him.

Finally, Leo set Don onto the couch, plopping down next to him right after. "I think . . . I think if I had enough energy myself . . . I think we should do that every day."

Raph, who had been watching from a dark corner, spoke up. "Or Loe, you could swallow your pride and let me do it."

"It's not pride!" Leo shot back, "it's distrust! It's you who put Don into this state in the first place! Besides, look who's talking with pride and all," he added scornfully.

"Leonardo!" Splinter's voice reverberated around the turtles' heads, making them all jump. His tone was belligerant. "I want you in my room . . . now!"

Forgetting his tired state, Leo left his position on the couch and quickly heeded his father's command.

"Shut the door," Splinter ordered softly. Again, Leo didn't disappoint his master.

"Leonardo." Splinter motioned for the terrapin to sit, and the lauched into a scolding. "It pains me to hear my pupils fighting so venomously. Do not forget Raphael is your brother and remember what I have told you prior. Larger problems rest on your shoulders, my son, and you do not have time for inner turmoil. I suppose you make amicably with Raphael and together make this family whole again." He stared into Leo's confused eyes. "Michelangelo's fate is directly affected by your leadership skills and your relationship with Raphael.

"Now Leonardo. Leave my den and choose the correct path in your journey. I fear if you venture too far down the one you're heading now, the trail will become too steep for you to climb back up." The rat turned away, dismissing Leo completely.

Treading carefully across the room, Leo turned back at his sensei. Sudden determination filled his chest. Closing the door behind him, Leo entered the main part of the lair. "Tomorrow," he said to Raph, "tomorrow we're looking for Mike."

"He's had an epiphany," Raph grumbled to Don.

Leo pulled up short in the living area. Day lay exhausted on the couch, but he clung onto wakefulness. Raph had moved from the dark and took a seat on the chair. Both turtles ignored the sleeping television screens and watched Leo closely.

"No, Master Splinter knocked some sense into me." Avoiding eye contact with Raph, Leo began his own two cents speech. "Right now our family isn't only incomplete, it's patchy. Raph, I . . . I have to--no. That's not how I should say this."

He finally looked up, unflinching when Raph studied his face. Cold fire burned in his unmasked eyes. "Raphael, what you did to Donatello and Master Splinter could have easily been avoided, and while us five still lay broken you should hold and feel the shame. Unfortunately, my own behavior could and should have been avoided. Now that my eyes have been opened, I am shamed I aided in ripping the fabric of our unity apart. The knowledge of your actions alone should have been sever enough punishment, but I went the extra step to make you feel worse. I should have never done that to you.

"But grief and self pity never has done anything constructive. I believe, and turly feel it, that we should forget our own arguemnent and concentrate on keeping our lives. Besides, we have already lost enough. Together, Donatello, Raphael, we need to keep in mind our weaknesses and maybe use them to our benefit, as we do with our strengths. We need to commense in Operation Find Mike." With a wane smile, Leo shouted, "Now who's with me?"

Smiling himself, Don lifted his hand from his plastron, then set it back down. Raph pumped his fist comically into the air, but made no sound.

Feeling bold with their support, Leo continued: "Donatello, as normally you'll be the brains behind the mission. We'll bring you to your computers and you'll operate from there. I'll be the eyes and ears. Keeping in contact with Donny, I'll feed information through my head set. Don, you'll analize it and filter it to Raphael, who'll be our main muscle. Raph, if anything's hairy or about to look rough, you'll be the distraction. I can work my way in and get through.

"Before that, though, Raph and I will have to do some hunting. Hopefully you could build up your energy for the mission, Don. Raph, I'll need updates on everything you do. In return, I'll do the same."

"Question," Raph commented.


"How will I know where to look in the first place?"

Leo gave a deep sigh. "You'll be topside while I keep to the sewers. We'll keep along the coast, searching more in depth where we lost Mike."

"Sounds good to me."

"Hey Leo." Leonardo turned to face his other brother. "When do you expect to start Operation Find Mike?"


"You mean after a rest. Sleep, you two. Then afterwards we should all eat. I don't know about you, but I'm famished."

At Don's pointed observation, Leo realized none of them really had anything to eat after Don was nearly decapitated.

"Hmm . . . good point. Alright, Raph, you heard the brain. We need sleep and food." For once, Raph obeyed without a sound.

Behind Splinter's door, the rat smiled. "That is much better, my sons. Much better."
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